Source code for Solidator.point_process

#! /usr/bin/python3
processes are sent the IDs of their neighbours at start
once they have them, they start telling others if they have a degree of 1
and they listen for neighbours signaling they have a degree of 1

signification of messages to point_processes :
    e : message comming from main meaning it is now time to write
        the result.

    d <neighbour_id> : the neighbouring point with neighbour_id
        had only one neighbour left 'alive' and is therefore
        now 'dead'.
    a : death acknowledge means the neighbour now knows the point is 'dead'

    A <neighbour_id> <neighbour_x_pos> <neighbour_y_pos> : the
        corresponding neighbour is still 'alive' (sent after the neighbour
        received a message 'e').

    D : a neighbour is 'dead' and no line should be displayed between the
        two points.
import sys

svg_scale = 100
line_blueprint = '<line x1="{}" y1="{}" x2="{}" y2="{}"\

[docs]def debug(string, own_id): '''write a *string* in stderr and add the point's *own_id* for clarity ''' sys.stderr.write('(' + str(own_id) + ') ' + string) sys.stderr.flush()
[docs]def read_position(): """Reads a line from **stdin** and interprets it as a position """ return [float(coord) for coord in sys.stdin.readline().split()]
[docs]def read_neighbours(amount): """Reads *amount* neighbours from **stdin** """ neighbours_pid = [] while len(neighbours_pid) < amount: neighbours_pid.append(int(sys.stdin.readline())) return neighbours_pid
[docs]def signal_death(neighbour_messagers, own_id): """Tells all neighbours of *own_id* death by *neighbour_messagers*' fifo files """ for fifo in neighbour_messagers: fifo.write('d '+str(own_id)+'\n') fifo.flush() debug('I DIED !!!\n', own_id)
def death_ack(fifo): fifo.write('f\n') fifo.flush()
[docs]def who_am_i_at_the_end(is_dead, neighbour_messagers, own_id, position): """Tells all neighbours by *neighbour_messagers* the vertex *own_id* and *position* if not *is_dead*, else send them D """ if is_dead: for msg in neighbour_messagers: msg.write('D\n') msg.flush() msg.close() else: for msg in neighbour_messagers: msg.write('A ' + str(own_id) + ' ' + ' '.join(str(c) for c in position) + '\n') msg.flush() msg.close()
[docs]def svg_coord(x): """Returns the coordinate in svg space for *x* """ return x * svg_scale + 3 * svg_scale
[docs]def svg_output(message, own_id, position, res): """Outputs to *res* the svg line from *position* to the neighbour indicated in *message* if *own_id* is smaller than the neighbour's id (this is to avoid writing twice the same line) """ point_id = int(message.split()[1]) if point_id > int(own_id): res.write(line_blueprint.format(svg_coord(position[0]), svg_coord(position[1]), svg_coord(float(message.split()[2])), svg_coord(float(message.split()[3])))) res.flush()
[docs]def main(): """Waits for processes to die around you to check if you can survive """ n_of_neighbours = int(sys.argv[1]) own_id = int(sys.argv[2]) # open ressources write_main = open('msg_main', 'w') messages = open('msg_' + str(own_id), 'r') debug('process starting\n', own_id) neighbours_pid = [] write_main.write('r') # tell main we are ready write_main.flush() # read own coordinates on first line of input position = read_position() # find neighbours neighbours_id = read_neighbours(n_of_neighbours) write_neighbours = [open('msg_' + str(point_id), 'w') for point_id in neighbours_id] dead_processes = 0 n_of_live_neighbours = n_of_neighbours # states dead = False end = False neighbour_knows_im_dead = False output_opened = False while not(end) or dead_processes < n_of_neighbours: if not(dead) and n_of_live_neighbours == 1: signal_death(write_neighbours, own_id) dead = True m = messages.readline() if m == '': continue elif m[0] == 'e': if not(output_opened): res = open('result.svg', 'a') output_opened = True end = True who_am_i_at_the_end(dead, write_neighbours, own_id, position) elif m[0] == 'd': debug("one of my neighbours died !\n", own_id) dead_id = int(m.split()[1]) if not neighbour_knows_im_dead: death_ack(write_neighbours[neighbours_id.index(dead_id)]) debug("my neighbour "+str(dead_id)+" has died. Let me pay my respects!\n", own_id) n_of_live_neighbours -= 1 if n_of_live_neighbours == 0 or n_of_live_neighbours >= 2: write_main.write('d') write_main.flush() elif m[0] == 'f': neighbour_knows_im_dead = True elif m[0] == 'D': dead_processes += 1 elif m[0] == 'A': if not(end): res = open('result.svg', 'a') output_opened = True dead_processes += 1 if not dead: svg_output(m, own_id, position, res) res.close() debug("And now I am dead.\n", own_id) write_main.write('e') write_main.flush() write_main.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()