Source code for Solidator.solidator

#! /usr/bin/python3
signification of messages to solidator :
    r : the point is ready.
    d : there is one less point of degree 1 alive.
    e : a point process has ended.
from math import sqrt
import subprocess
from os.path import abspath
from os import getpid, mkfifo, system
from time import sleep
import sys
# import database

[docs]class Vect: """A two dimensional vector """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __abs__(self): return sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y) def __add__(self, other): return Vect(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y) def __sub__(self, other): return Vect(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y) def __mul__(self, other): return Vect(self.x * other, self.y * other) def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __div__(self, other): return Vect(self.x / other, self.y / other) def __rdiv__(self, other): return self / other def __pow__(self, other): return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
[docs]class Segment: """A segment of two vectors """ def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b def __abs__(self): return abs(self.b - self.a)
[docs]class Point: """ A two dimensional point whose *pos* is a **Vect** """ def __init__(self, pos): ''' pos is a Vect ''' self.pos = pos self.linked = []
[docs] def merge(self, other): """Merges with another **Point** """ self.linked += other.linked
[docs] def get_pos(self, precision=1e-10): """Returns a position rounded up to *precision* """ return (int(self.pos.x/precision)*precision, int(self.pos.y/precision)*precision)
def __repr__(self): return 'Point('+str(self.pos.x)+', '+str(self.pos.y)+')'
[docs]def create_points(point_list): '''Takes in a list of [(point_id, pos_x, pos_y, [list of neighbours' ids]),...] and output a list of **Point** ''' points = {p[0]:Point(Vect(p[1], p[2])) for p in point_list} for p in point_list: start_id = p[0] for neighbour_id in p[3]: neighbour = points[neighbour_id] points[start_id].linked.append(neighbour) return [points[p_id] for p_id in points]
[docs]def open_process(point): '''Opens a process representing a *point* tells it how many neighbours it should expect and its *Point* *id* ''' proc = subprocess.Popen([abspath('/app/'), str(len(point.linked)), str(], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stdout) return proc
[docs]def remove_deg_1(points, job_id, multiprocess=True): '''Write an svg with only closed polygons displayed ''' if multiprocess: # cleanup what might have been left from before system('rm msg_*') print('finished cleaning up directory') mkfifo('msg_main') print('opened main fifo') number_deg1 = 0 # create named pipes necessary for communication for i, p in enumerate(points): = i mkfifo('msg_' + str( print('finished opening fifos') # open one process for each point # (and count the number of points of degree 1) for p in points: if len(p.linked) == 1: number_deg1 += 1 p.proc = open_process(p) print('finished opening processes') messages = open('msg_main', 'r') # open communication pipes for each process for p in points: p.msg = open('msg_' + str(, 'w') # database.update_state(database.open_db(), 27, job_id) # wait untill every process has finished starting up unprepared_processes = len(points) while unprepared_processes: print('waiting for ' + str(unprepared_processes) + ' processes') m = if m == 'r': unprepared_processes -= 1 sleep(0.001) # database.update_state(database.open_db(), 28, job_id) # tell each process the position of the point they represent # and the id of their neighbours for p in points: p.proc.stdin.write(bytes(str(p.pos.x) + ' ' + str(p.pos.y), 'utf-8') + b'\n') for neighbour in p.linked: p.proc.stdin.write(bytes(str(, 'utf-8') + b'\n') p.proc.stdin.flush() # wait for all points of degree 1 to be deleted # (associated processes are still running, # they just know they shouldn't be displayed on the result) while number_deg1: m = if m == 'd': number_deg1 -= 1 print('deg1 left :', number_deg1) sleep(0.001) # database.update_state(database.open_db(), 29, job_id) # write svg header res = open('result.svg', 'w') res.write('<svg width="600" height="600">\n') res.flush() res.close() for p in points: # tell processes they can write the result and die p.msg.write('e\n') p.msg.flush() p.msg.close() # wait for all processes to die processes_alive = len(points) while processes_alive > 0: print(processes_alive, 'processes still alive') m = print('message :',m) if m == 'e': processes_alive -= 1 sleep(0.001) print('all processes dead') # write svg footer res = open('result.svg', 'a') res.write('</svg>\n') res.flush() res.close() # database.update_state(database.open_db(), 30, job_id) # cleanup all fifos system('rm msg_*') else: # useful to prevent outputting the same line twice for i,p in enumerate(points): = i deg1 = [p for p in points if len(p.linked)==1] while deg1: p = deg1.pop() p.linked[0].linked.remove(p) if len(p.linked[0].linked) == 1: # add p.linked[0] to deg1 if its degree has fallen to 1 deg1.append(p.linked[0]) elif p.linked[0].linked == []: # in case p.linked[0] was already in deg1 deg1.remove(p.linked[0]) p.linked = [] # write result in svg res = open('result.svg', 'w') res.write('<svg width="600" height="600">\n') line_blueprint = '<line x1="{}" y1="{}" x2="{}" y2="{}" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0)"/>\n' svg_scale = 100 svg_coord = lambda x: x*svg_scale + 3*svg_scale for p in points: for p2 in p.linked: if < res.write(line_blueprint.format(svg_coord(p.pos.x), svg_coord(p.pos.y), svg_coord(p2.pos.x), svg_coord(p2.pos.y))) res.write('</svg>\n') res.flush() res.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": def link(p1, p2): p1.linked.append(p2) p2.linked.append(p1) p1 = Point(Vect(1, 1)) p2 = Point(Vect(0, 0)) p3 = Point(Vect(1, -1)) p4 = Point(Vect(1, 0)) p5 = Point(Vect(1, 2)) p6 = Point(Vect(2, 1)) link(p5, p1) link(p6, p1) link(p1, p2) link(p2, p3) link(p3, p4) link(p2, p4) points = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6] img = open('initial_img.svg','w') img.write('<svg width="600" height="600">\n') svg_scale = 100 svg_coord = lambda x: x*svg_scale + 3*svg_scale for p in points: for p2 in p.linked: img.write('<line x1="{}" y1="{}" x2="{}" y2="{}" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0)"/>\n'.format(svg_coord(p.pos.x), svg_coord(p.pos.y), svg_coord(p2.pos.x), svg_coord(p2.pos.y))) img.write('</svg>\n') img.flush() img.close() remove_deg_1(points, 1)