Source code for bf_interpreter

#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys
import time

[docs]class Interpret: """Interpret a brainfuck code, Loads *file_name* in a memory of size *mem_size*, loads the inputs with *get_input* """ def __init__(self, file_name, mem_size = 65536, get_input = lambda: f = open(file_name, "r") self.code = [c for c in if c in '[]+-<>,.'] self.pos = 0 self.loop_starts = [] = bytearray(mem_size) self.head_pos = 0 self.mem_size = mem_size self.out = b"" self.get_input = get_input def next_char(self): self.pos += 1 if self.pos >= len(self.code): raise EOFError
[docs] def step(self): """Execute an instruction """ char = self.code[self.pos] if char == '[': if[self.head_pos]: self.loop_starts.append(self.pos) else: depth = 1 while depth > 0: self.next_char() if self.code[self.pos] == "[": depth += 1 if self.code[self.pos] == "]": depth -= 1 if char == ']': if[self.head_pos]: self.pos = self.loop_starts[-1] else: self.loop_starts.pop(-1) if char == '>': self.head_pos += 1 self.head_pos %= self.mem_size if char == '<': self.head_pos -= 1 self.head_pos %= self.mem_size if char == '+':[self.head_pos] = ([self.head_pos] + 1)%256 if char == '-':[self.head_pos] = ([self.head_pos] - 1)%256 if char == '.': self.out += bytes([[self.head_pos]]) if char == ',':[self.head_pos] = ord(self.get_input()) self.next_char()
[docs] def get_output(self, size = 0): """If *size* is 0 gets the current output, else waits for the output size to be *size* """ if size <= 0: out = self.out self.out = b"" return out else: try: while len(self.out)<size: self.step() except EOFError: out = self.out if out != b"": self.out = b"" return out else: raise out = self.out self.out = b"" return out
def set_input(self, string): self.input += string
if __name__ == "__main__": mem_size = 65536 if "-n" in sys.argv: i = sys.argv.index("-n") mem_size = int(sys.argv.pop(i+1)) sys.argv.pop(i) try: file_name = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print('missing argument') print('usage : [options] brainfuck_file') print('options :') print('-n (number) -> set memory size') raise program = Interpret(file_name, mem_size) while True: try: sys.stdout.buffer.write(program.get_output(1)) except EOFError: break sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush()